Underworld Rafting and Glowworm Experience with Underworld Adventures

Underworld Rafting and Glowworm Experience with Underworld Adventures
Underworld Rafting and Glowworm Experience with Underworld Adventures
Underworld Rafting and Glowworm Experience with Underworld Adventures
Underworld Rafting and Glowworm Experience with Underworld Adventures

A superb four hour Black Water Rafting adventure in the Paparoa National Park. You meander through a paradise of stalactites and stalagmites in the upper dry levels of the cave. You then enter a slow moving underground river on which you float in your tube using only the natural light of an awe inspiring display of glow worms for navigation. Emerge from the cave into a remote and untouched world before leaving its tranquility for the rushing bubbling waters of the low grade Nile River Rapids.

It is important you understand the risks associated with this activity. For more information please see here.